Jul 1, 2008

Wood Processor and Peat Forest

Today, I Went to Landasan Ulin, I was taken several pictures in Landasan Ulin. I encountered 3 wood processor in the peat forest there. After several pictures were taken, I went to my office with results of my picture, then after arrived to my office, I wrote this article.

Jalan Lingkar Selatan

This street called "jalan lingkar selatan", not finish yet, I went to the location from Jl. A.Yani at 10.00 am.

Jalan Masuk Hutan Gambut

In the middle of Landasan Ulin City, at the face of The peat forest , this picture was taken. I went to the forest at 11.oo am.

Pengolah Kayu

Sampah Pengolah Kayu

In the middle the peat forest, I found wood processor with some men there. The wood taken from the trees from the peat forest. This Was illegal because the peat forest is "Hutan Lindung Liang Anggang"